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Mortgage Journey

Mortgage Journey 

The Mortgage Journey

  1. Apply at kohlercu.com!
    1. Fill out the online application
    2. Mortgage loan originator assigned
    3. Provide documentation
    4. Get preapproved(for purchase only)
  2. Application is processed.
    1. Loan processor assigned
    2. Information is gathered and reviewed for underwriting
  3. Mortgage is conditionally approved.
    1. Initial underwriting takes place
    2. Title and appraisal ordered
  4. Appraisal process
    1. Scheduled and completed
    2. Estimated value of the home determined
    3. Receive a copy of your appraisal
    4. Application submitted for final approval
    5. Final underwriting takes place
  5. Congratulations! Your mortgage is approved.
    1. Mortgage closer assigned
    2. Closing date scheduled
    3. Set up monthly mortgage payment
  6. Attend your closing!
    1. Get the keys to your NEW HOME!
    2. If refinancing congrats on your NEW MORTGAGE!