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showing entries tagged "Savings"

June 2, 2022
by: IAMT

It Pays To Start Saving Now

In case you haven’t heard, compound interest is the best.You may remember it as an equation you had to memorize for math class, but it’s so much more than that. It’s the concept that powers all sorts of savings and investment products and, over time, allows you to turn your money into, well, more money!

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April 29, 2022
by: IAMT

Learn to Spend, Save and Give

For most people, spending comes naturally. Saving up for something special is harder. And setting money aside for giving is really hard.

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January 26, 2022
by: IAMT

Breaking Up with Name Brands

Picture this: you’re steering your shopping cart through the sliding doors of the supermarket, shopping list in hand. As you walk the aisles, there’s a strategy you can use to save an average of 33% on your entire purchase. It doesn’t require any coupon clipping or rewards cards. And the best part? You still get every single item on your list. The secret? Buying private-label products instead of brand-name products.

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December 20, 2021
by: Savvymoney

5 Financial New Year’s Resolutions

5 Financial New Year’s Resolutions & How to fulfill them

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December 16, 2021

Keeping Your Money Safe

Imagine this: you are out for a walk and you find a stack of shiny gold bars. Where do you put your treasure to keep it safe?

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August 9, 2021
by: Banzai

Emergency Funds

One of the most effective tools for preventing a large-scale financial disaster is an emergency fund, an amount of money that is set aside to cover unexpected expenses, or to keep you afloat if no regular income is coming in.

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December 6, 2018
by: Katie Rammer

It’s the Most Wonderful (& Expensive) Time of the Year

The holidays are by far my favorite time of the year. Getting together and making memories with family…decking the halls and enjoying a hot cup of coffee as you watch the snow fall outside…and having an excuse to hit the stores for some shopping therapy and to take advantage of the endless holiday sales. But along with the joy that surrounds the season of giving, the holidays can also take a toll on your finances, causing unwanted stress and anxiety. Below are 5 tips to help you prepare for holiday spending:

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August 2, 2018
by: Guest Blogger

Let’s Talk “Piggy Banks”!

Piggy banks come in all shapes and sizes and are used by all ages for all sorts of reasons. The most important reason, we believe, is teaching your children how to save money.

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August 10, 2016
by: Katie Rammer

Smooth Saving to Beat the Summer Heat

We have had some beautiful weather over the last few weeks… but I have to say, when the temps exceed 85 and the humidity kicks in, there is nothing I enjoy more than a refreshing, cold fruit smoothie to help keep me stay cool. Now I have a handful of favorite places around town that can make one scrumptious smoothie and although delicious every time, the price of the delightful drink can be quite expensive. With prices ranging between $5-7 per drink and my craving kicking in every other day, I decided it was time to cut back. So I started to experiment at home with various fresh fruits to try and recreate the beloved summer treat. I encourage you to try my two favorite DYI smoothie creations below. They will help you beat the heat but also keep your spending in check… All you need to do is toss all of the ingredients in a blender, blend until smooth, pour and serve!

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