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This That & Chit Chat

January 19, 2023
by: banzai

Tax Brackets and Statuses

How much you owe in federal income taxes is determined by many factors, but your tax bracket and status will likely have the biggest impact.

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January 11, 2023
by: banzai

Meet Your 401(k)

Even if you’re just starting your first real job—actually, especially if you’re just starting your first real job—it’s time to start thinking about retirement. That’s not a comment on how motivated or unmotivated you are, or a suggestion that you should wish your life away. It’s just reality.

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January 6, 2023
by: banzai

Tracking Your Joint Expenses

It’s hard enough keeping track of your own expenses. So you shouldn’t be surprised that managing money as a team effort can test your patience, especially if your partner has a different method of keeping financial records—or worse, no method at all.

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December 21, 2022
by: banzai

Picking the Right Credit Card for You

Finding the right credit card isn’t as easy as filling out the first application you get in the mail—or at least it shouldn’t be. To use credit to your maximum advantage, it’s best to shop around before picking the right card for your needs.

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December 21, 2022
by: banzai

How To Manage Your Debt: Strategies & Tools

Even if you're financially responsible, life's unpredictable nature can sometimes catch you off guard, at times making it dangerously easy to fall into debt. Discover how to start managing your debt with these tips and tools.

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December 15, 2022
by: banzai

Mobile Banking

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Mobile banking provides a convenient, safe way to access your funds when you're unable to visit a branch.

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December 9, 2022
by: banzai

A Practical Guide to Bitcoin

Over the past decade, cryptocurrency has grown in popularity, yet it’s still “cryptic” to many. As the foundational and most popular cryptocurrency, understanding the basics of Bitcoin can help you unravel the riddle of crypto.

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December 2, 2022
by: Banzai

Renting Rulebook

If you want the best renting experience possible, there are a few rules you should follow.

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November 28, 2022
by: Banzai


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A trust, similar to a will, is a way to designate what happens to a person’s belongings after they pass away.

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November 18, 2022
by: banzai

14 Ways to Cut Household Expenses

Changes to the economy, your situation, or your goals may prompt you to take a look at your budget for opportunities to save. But where do you start? These lists will help you make changes, both big and small, to your budget.

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