Four ways to boost your credit score starting now

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July 2021 Four ways to boost your credit score starting now.

Kohler Credit Union members are able monitor their credit by using Credit Insights, our free credit monitoring tool available in digital banking. Want to learn more about credit scores? Click here to read more about your credit score and why it’s important or check out our credit score videos on It’s a Money Thing.

Do these things to build better credit and enjoy the perks of lower loan rates. Get your credit report and dig in.  20% of all credit reports have mistakes. Experts recommend checking your credit report at least 1x per month.

Automate to ensure on-time payment [and help avoid late fees]

Payment history makes up 40% of your credit score.  A missed payment could drop your score by 100 points. Set up Automatic Payments to avoid this.

Pay down debt then stay low

Lenders don’t want to see sky-high balances on your credit cards. Owing more than 30% of your credit limit can be a red flag to those in the money-lending business. Aim to use 10% to 30% of the total credit you have.

Use it or lose it

Leaving a credit card sitting in the drawer for 6 months or more is risky – the card issuer could cancel your card. Make a small purchase once a month then immediately pay the bill.