This That & Chit Chat

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Are Checks Obsolete?

Checks hold an odd place in our personal finances. In many ways, checks seem like relics from a previous era.
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Boost Your Credit Score: 4 Myths Debunked

Credit scores are an area of personal finance that seem a lot more mysterious than they actually are.
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The Upside of Frugality

Frugal living discussions often talk about pinching pennies or “stretching a dollar.
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Be Prepared, Because Life Happens

An emergency fund is an essential part of your personal finances.
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The 3 Hidden Expenses of Pet Ownership

According to the American Pet Products Association, nearly 70% of all US households own a pet.
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How to Overcome ‘Credit Card Shyness’

News outlets and credit card companies are quick to label millennials as being credit card-shy.

When Buying a Used Car Privately, Beware of “Curbstoning”

 Auto dealers are expected to sell cars that meet certain consumer protection criteria.
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Common Scam Prevention Tips

EmailsStart by checking the sender’s email address; legitimate organizations use official domain names, so be cautious if it appears unusual or contains misspellings.
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Red Flags of Holiday Scams

As the holiday season approaches, it’s a time of joy, celebration, and unfortunately, an uptick in various scams aiming to take advantage of your festive spirit.
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6 Tips For Teaching Your Kids to Save

Check out these ideas for helping children learn to set money aside.
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Budgeting Blitz - Tackling Financial Goals One Minute at a Time

A Guide to Saving Money Effectively. . .
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When You Can't Afford Your Minimum Payments

It’s scary to find yourself in a situation where you can’t afford your monthly debt payments.