This That & Chit Chat

article romance and dating scams hero FitMaxWzkzMCwzMzZd

Romance & Dating Scams

They love me, they love me not. Here’s how you can prevent yourself from falling victim to some of the sneakiest crimes out there—romance scams.
article scams targeting seniors hero FitMaxWzkzMCwzMzZd

Scams Targeting Seniors

Scammers target seniors more aggressively than any other group. Recognizing the most common scams helps prevent your money and personal information from getting stolen.
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Learn to Spend, Save and Give

For most people, spending comes naturally. Saving up for something special is harder. And setting money aside for giving is really hard.
branch corporate center FitMaxWzkzMCwzMzZd

What does it mean to be a credit union member?

Even though there are over 5,000 credit unions in the United States, many misconceptions about their structure and their services still exist.
JR4 F Social Wide 01 US FitMaxWzkzMCwzMzZd

Why Do People Borrow Money?

Borrowing money comes at a cost. This extra cost is called interest. If borrowing money costs more, why do people still do it?
Personal MainImage FitMaxWzkzMCwzMzZd

Choosing your financial institution

What was the very first financial choice you ever made?
reading book FitMaxWzkzMCwzMzZd

What is Opportunity Cost?

You make many choices every day. You choose how to spend your time. You choose how to spend your energy.
article ransomware hero FitMaxWzkzMCwzMzZd


Everyone has secrets—personal data, passwords, private documents, etc—and people will spend lots of money to keep this information secret or gain access to it.
home owner

Four Questions to Ask Yourself Before Signing a Mortgage

Asking the right questions is an important part of every financial decision you make, and home ownership is no exception.
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Breaking Up with Name Brands

Picture this: you’re steering your shopping cart through the sliding doors of the supermarket, shopping list in hand.

Frugal February Challenge

Frugal February

You've heard of Dry January, but have you heard of Frugal February? It's kind of the same…but for spending.
article how to recognize and avoid scams hero FitMaxWzkzMCwzMzZd

Recognizing and Avoiding Scams

Con artists cheat Americans out of billions of dollars every year.